Opera Mastra
Medium fruity taste
This Blend represents the excellence of our productions, exceeding a very rigid quality standard. Opera Mastra is a blend of 4 varieties of oil, which represents the excellence of Ursini’s productions, exceeding a very rigid quality standard.
Olive varieties: Depends on the season, normally they are: Gentile di Chieti, Leccino, Dritta, Cucco.
Yield: per 100 kg of olives on average 14 liters of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Harvest period: Depending on the season, Cucco and Leccino 15 – 30 October, Gentile and Dritta by the end of November.
Collection and Extraction: They are immediately processed in our mill consisting of a hammer crusher and watertight kneaders in the absence of oxygen and cold extracted (23°).
Quantity Produced: varies annually, but stands at an increasing average of 22,000 500 ml bottles per year.